Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"The Romans Road"


    Hello friends and seekers. Today can be the first day of the rest of your life. Have you looked down the road, or maybe right in front of your face, and not known what step to take next? If your answer is yes then you and I, as well as many others, share a common thread. That common thread is that we don't hold all the answers. I want to take you down a road today that will change all that forever. This road is called "The Romans Road" and it weaves its way straight in the direction of TRUTH. But this is not the same truth that the world, the devil, or even our own flesh tries to convince us of. It is a TRUTH that takes place in the WORD OF GOD. Don't let this talk scare you. I promise if you just take a chance and journey together with me down this path it will change your present, your future, and even abolish your past. That's right, get rid of all the past mistakes and give you a new chance at life. I know because it did that for me when I facing a future of life in prison. But this supernatural road changed all that. Come on! Let us journey together now.
    The BIBLE says in Romans 3:23&24, "That all have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD." This means that the best of people and the worst of people, rather in our own minds or in the minds of others,  have all fallen short at some time. For most of us it is most of the time. But verse 24 says, "Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that  is in CHRIST JESUS." Wow! Isn't that good news? This means that no matter how much we have messed up we can be fixed up, saved even, because it is JESUS who does it and not me. Praise GOD! THE LORD goes even further in confirming this when HE tells us in Romans 5:8, "But GOD  commended his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, CHRIST died for us." This is the most awesome news ever. Can you even imagine that GOD sent his SON to die for you and me? I know it's mind boggling but it's true, in this world filled with people who could mostly care less about anyone,  the GOD of the universe gave everything for you and me.
     As I peer into my minds eye and reflect back, I can see you saying as I did, "There must be a catch."   Truth be told there is. But before I tell you the catch let me give you a hard truth in love. Please go to Romans 6:23. It says here, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of GOD is eternal life through JESUS CHRIST our LORD." I realize that in a society who has grown up with a spirit of entitlement that it's hard to face the truth that all of us, based on our own decision, are going to live in one of two places - heaven or hell. This may not sound so politically correct in this day and age but it is correct according to GOD'S own WORD. The GOOD NEWS, is that if we so choose we can live in this life and in eternity with a loving SAVIOR WHO will take us to heights we could never imagine in our own limited human understanding. The bad new is that if we choose to say no to JESUS' free gift of salvation we will live out this life in the same turmoil as now and look forward to an eternity of suffering much worse than this, or anything we could fathom.
     So here comes the catch. But it's a good catch because this is the catch that changes your life forever. I know because I made this decision many years ago in a place of bondage and shame, and have never regretted it since. Romans 10:9&10 says, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the LORD JESUS, and shalt believe in thine heart that GOD hath raised HIM from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Now, what does this mean in country boy terms? It means that if you, through your own free will, pray that you are aware that you are a sinner in need of a savior. That you believe in your heart that GOD sent his SON to die for you on a cross, and that JESUS did just that and overcame death and hell before rising again, then you can be saved. Are you ready Brothers and Sisters? I thought so. Please repeat after me, "Father I am a sinner in need of a SAVIOR - YOUR SON. I believe in my heart that you sent JESUS to die for me. I believe HE died on that cross and descended into hell and overcame hell and death. I also believe JESUS rose again for me and for many and then ascended to the right hand of YOU, FATHER. Most importantly I receive this free gift of eternal life. In JESUS NAME I thank YOU FATHER. AMEN!!!"
     Praise GOD!!! Brother or Sister you are now eternally saved and ready to face not only life but death. Please read II Corinthians 5:17 and meditate on how you are now a new person in CHRIST JESUS. Also, we would like to hear from you. Just go to our business Facebook and give us the news so we can celebrate with the angels in heaven. Lastly, please get into the BIBLE and a BIBLE based church. If you want we will refer you. We at GOD WON MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL love you and will pray for you daily. Have a blessed future in JESUS NAME, AMEN!!!