The promises of the future outpouring of GOD'S SPIRIT made it clear to
the Old Testament people that more of GOD'S special blessings were yet
ahead. Only a few people had experienced the power of the HOLY SPIRIT
in their lives and in their ministry in the Old Testament times. But GOD
promised to pour HIS SPIRIT out abundantly on all HIS people, that the
entire community of believers could have the power available through the
SPIRIT. The SPIRIT was to dwell within them, renew them, and anoint
them for the ministry
and service of THE LORD.
We can be certain by what THE LORD says in II Peter 3:9 that HE is not slack concerning HIS promise. Also, in Romans 4:21 we read that we can be fully persuaded that what GOD has promised He was, and is, able to perform.
What was the main reason for the outpouring of the SPIRIT at Pentecost?
It was to enable the body of believers to become effective witnesses
for the glory of GOD. All we need to do is receive this gift as it was
meant to be received - as a free gift from THE FATHER.
(Acts 2:1-4)
In the last of days we need to seek GOD with all our hearts, and seek
all of HIM. It is time to crave and desire intimacy with a holy FATHER.
We must pray and search the scriptures daily for what GOD wants to place
before us, and has placed before us. There needs to be a unity of
heart, mind, purpose, and obedience among us. In these turbulent times
we must seek this with even more tenacity than the disciples of old.
The 120 disciples that gathered in the upper room,
after the death of Christ Jesus, made an impact on the world that is
still being felt thousands of years later in today's society. The same
wonder working power available to them is accessible to us today. If you
have invited HIM into your life the HOLY SPIRIT is not far away - HE is
on the inside of you. So lets draw on HIM like never before and do the
mighty works GOD created in us, for HIS kingdom and HIS glory. Amen