Thursday, August 29, 2013


    Ok it's true, when we are saved  by THE BLOOD of JESUS we are new creatures (II Corinthians 5:17). Just like we said in last weeks blog when JESUS makes us new all other things pass away. The old man is dead. Great news, right? My sins are as far as the east is from the west and  GOD remembers them no more. That's the biggest relief of a lifetime, huh? I am headed for heaven and an eternity of blessing. What a  hope in that death, aye? My mind is transformed and I no longer remember all the past and its plethora of screw ups and mistakes. Wow! Isn't that great new....? Wait a minute, even after I'm saved I still remember the life from before. My memory does not get wiped out - well, at least not all of it.
     I realize that to those of you who just got saved last week this may be distressing news. Kinda like it should have been a disclaimer. Sorry, I guess I should have mentioned it. But have good cheer, GOD is at work in you. HE says in Romans 12:2, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of GOD." I must reconfirm that when we were saved we became totally new. All was forgiven at the cross. But it's not like we developed amnesia. We still have recollection of the past hurts, and wrongs, and wounds, and offenses, and addictions, etcetera. But what has to be done now is we need to renew, refresh, and restore our mind. You may be saying, "How do I do that?" The only way is to start reprogramming it. Do you realize that some scientific experts say that the brain can be healed and reprogrammed for success in as little as 21 days? That's what Dr. Caroline Leaf says in her books on healing and recovering from our past. I believe that can happen because I saw a total change in my life years ago when I first came to CHRIST. How did this happen you may ask? It's simple, I had to start meditating on the right things just like I had meditated on the wrong things for so many years. I had to initiate a CHANGE OF MIND!
     "Where do I go to find the right things to meditate on?" you may say. The only place I ever know of to go and get the real answers on how to work a product is from the producer of that product. In our case the producer of our new life is JESUS, and  the instructions are in HIS WORD. Yes, that's right, I'm talking about the Bible. In order to reprogram myself for success I have to start making it a priority to get into HIS WORD. I am so convinced of that that I'm going to put my money where my mouth is. If you just got saved and need a Bible go to the questions on our sight and ask for a Bible and we will send you one. No Charge. Then start in the Gospel of John and BEGIN reading at least one chapter a day and GOD will do the rest. Hey, that's what HE did for our salvation, right? JESUS did it all. We just had to say "yes." Try it with the Bible, just say, "YES!" HE will do the rest and you will have a CHANGE OF MIND.