Wednesday, May 7, 2014


    It's funny but the other day I was at War Memorial Park praying about the event God Won Ministries International Inc. is having there on May 23 & 24, Memorial Day weekend. It was a cool morning with the dew still misting off the grass, the pool still empty from the winter prep, and the park pretty much vacant with the exception of me, a homeless brother, and a few early morning dog walkers. As I meandered up and down the hills praying for the May event I couldn't keep my mind from wondering. Wondering what this park would look like with the stage lined with gifted musicians all praising God with the talents He gifted them. In my minds eye I could see Hoss's Steak and Sea House feeding dozens of homeless and others with no expectation of reward other than what they receive from our Creator. There were businesses from all walks of life - Butler's Farm Market passing out produce, Seasonal Services Landscaping passing out the love of God at their booth, and Doggone Pets handing out puppy kisses to all the children. Churches from all sorts of denominations were there sharing the love of God with no care for doctrinal differences. Spreading the love of Jesus was their sole reason for being at the park on this sunny Memorial Day. 
    I pushed forward up the steps of the grandstand area and peered down at the pool once more, this time filled with area children enjoying their first swim of the season and their last one for free. But yeah! Even one or two is better than none for those who may never taste of the chlorine again, because Mom or Dad just don't have the money in this tight economy. Looking  back over my shoulder I see the hills lined with youth enjoying the petting zoo and Joey and Little Cindy in the bouncy house, Bubby taking a pony ride, while Tana tries to dunk Pastor Tom in the dunk tank. There are the screams from the volleyball court as Bob's team wins the weekend championship with all the other opponents cheering inspite of their earlier losses.  I can almost taste the Sweet Frog Yogurt melting in Suzie's cup as she tries to feed it to the lambs.
    Closing my eyes tight in expectation of one last picture, the rocky hillside fills to capacity while Pastor Donivan preaches fire from the stage. His jaw clinched firm and his spirit overflowing with resolve he prepares to give an invitation like no other - not to a party or a bar or a  temporal pleasure - but to an eternal destination filled with promise and companionship of a loving Savior. As people young and old, from all ethnic backgrounds make their way to the altar I glance to the small pavilion on the top of the mount. My heart bubbles over while watching Michael T. lead all our children down the same eternal path.
    Can you see it all as I see it? If not, come with us to the park and help create it on May 23 and 24. Let The SPIRIT of GOD lead you and me to a vision like no other. To a vision HE has planned for us since before the world ever was. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Power of the Holy Ghost

    The promises of the future outpouring of GOD'S SPIRIT made it clear to the Old Testament people that more of GOD'S special blessings were yet ahead. Only a few people had experienced the power of the HOLY SPIRIT  in their lives and in their ministry in the Old Testament times. But GOD promised to pour HIS SPIRIT out abundantly on all HIS people, that the entire community of believers could have the power available through the SPIRIT. The SPIRIT was to dwell within them, renew them, and anoint them for the ministry and service of THE LORD.
    We can be certain by what THE LORD says in II Peter 3:9 that HE is not slack concerning HIS promise. Also, in Romans 4:21 we read that we can be fully persuaded that what GOD has promised He was, and is, able to perform.
     What was the main reason for the outpouring of the SPIRIT at Pentecost? It was to enable the body of believers to become effective witnesses for the glory of GOD. All we need to do is receive this gift as it was meant to be received - as a free gift from THE FATHER. (Acts 2:1-4)
     In the last of days we need to seek GOD with all our hearts, and seek all of HIM. It is time to crave and desire intimacy with a holy FATHER. We must pray and search the scriptures daily for what GOD wants to place before us, and has placed before us. There needs to be a unity of heart, mind, purpose, and obedience among us. In these turbulent times we must seek this with even more tenacity than the disciples of old.
     The 120 disciples that gathered in the upper room, after the death of Christ Jesus, made an impact on the world that is still being felt thousands of years later in today's society. The same wonder working power available to them is accessible to us today. If you have invited HIM into your life the HOLY SPIRIT is not far away - HE is on the inside of you. So lets draw on HIM like never before and do the mighty works GOD created in us, for HIS kingdom and HIS glory. Amen

Pastor Edward Dance

Thursday, August 29, 2013


    Ok it's true, when we are saved  by THE BLOOD of JESUS we are new creatures (II Corinthians 5:17). Just like we said in last weeks blog when JESUS makes us new all other things pass away. The old man is dead. Great news, right? My sins are as far as the east is from the west and  GOD remembers them no more. That's the biggest relief of a lifetime, huh? I am headed for heaven and an eternity of blessing. What a  hope in that death, aye? My mind is transformed and I no longer remember all the past and its plethora of screw ups and mistakes. Wow! Isn't that great new....? Wait a minute, even after I'm saved I still remember the life from before. My memory does not get wiped out - well, at least not all of it.
     I realize that to those of you who just got saved last week this may be distressing news. Kinda like it should have been a disclaimer. Sorry, I guess I should have mentioned it. But have good cheer, GOD is at work in you. HE says in Romans 12:2, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of GOD." I must reconfirm that when we were saved we became totally new. All was forgiven at the cross. But it's not like we developed amnesia. We still have recollection of the past hurts, and wrongs, and wounds, and offenses, and addictions, etcetera. But what has to be done now is we need to renew, refresh, and restore our mind. You may be saying, "How do I do that?" The only way is to start reprogramming it. Do you realize that some scientific experts say that the brain can be healed and reprogrammed for success in as little as 21 days? That's what Dr. Caroline Leaf says in her books on healing and recovering from our past. I believe that can happen because I saw a total change in my life years ago when I first came to CHRIST. How did this happen you may ask? It's simple, I had to start meditating on the right things just like I had meditated on the wrong things for so many years. I had to initiate a CHANGE OF MIND!
     "Where do I go to find the right things to meditate on?" you may say. The only place I ever know of to go and get the real answers on how to work a product is from the producer of that product. In our case the producer of our new life is JESUS, and  the instructions are in HIS WORD. Yes, that's right, I'm talking about the Bible. In order to reprogram myself for success I have to start making it a priority to get into HIS WORD. I am so convinced of that that I'm going to put my money where my mouth is. If you just got saved and need a Bible go to the questions on our sight and ask for a Bible and we will send you one. No Charge. Then start in the Gospel of John and BEGIN reading at least one chapter a day and GOD will do the rest. Hey, that's what HE did for our salvation, right? JESUS did it all. We just had to say "yes." Try it with the Bible, just say, "YES!" HE will do the rest and you will have a CHANGE OF MIND.


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"The Romans Road"


    Hello friends and seekers. Today can be the first day of the rest of your life. Have you looked down the road, or maybe right in front of your face, and not known what step to take next? If your answer is yes then you and I, as well as many others, share a common thread. That common thread is that we don't hold all the answers. I want to take you down a road today that will change all that forever. This road is called "The Romans Road" and it weaves its way straight in the direction of TRUTH. But this is not the same truth that the world, the devil, or even our own flesh tries to convince us of. It is a TRUTH that takes place in the WORD OF GOD. Don't let this talk scare you. I promise if you just take a chance and journey together with me down this path it will change your present, your future, and even abolish your past. That's right, get rid of all the past mistakes and give you a new chance at life. I know because it did that for me when I facing a future of life in prison. But this supernatural road changed all that. Come on! Let us journey together now.
    The BIBLE says in Romans 3:23&24, "That all have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD." This means that the best of people and the worst of people, rather in our own minds or in the minds of others,  have all fallen short at some time. For most of us it is most of the time. But verse 24 says, "Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that  is in CHRIST JESUS." Wow! Isn't that good news? This means that no matter how much we have messed up we can be fixed up, saved even, because it is JESUS who does it and not me. Praise GOD! THE LORD goes even further in confirming this when HE tells us in Romans 5:8, "But GOD  commended his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, CHRIST died for us." This is the most awesome news ever. Can you even imagine that GOD sent his SON to die for you and me? I know it's mind boggling but it's true, in this world filled with people who could mostly care less about anyone,  the GOD of the universe gave everything for you and me.
     As I peer into my minds eye and reflect back, I can see you saying as I did, "There must be a catch."   Truth be told there is. But before I tell you the catch let me give you a hard truth in love. Please go to Romans 6:23. It says here, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of GOD is eternal life through JESUS CHRIST our LORD." I realize that in a society who has grown up with a spirit of entitlement that it's hard to face the truth that all of us, based on our own decision, are going to live in one of two places - heaven or hell. This may not sound so politically correct in this day and age but it is correct according to GOD'S own WORD. The GOOD NEWS, is that if we so choose we can live in this life and in eternity with a loving SAVIOR WHO will take us to heights we could never imagine in our own limited human understanding. The bad new is that if we choose to say no to JESUS' free gift of salvation we will live out this life in the same turmoil as now and look forward to an eternity of suffering much worse than this, or anything we could fathom.
     So here comes the catch. But it's a good catch because this is the catch that changes your life forever. I know because I made this decision many years ago in a place of bondage and shame, and have never regretted it since. Romans 10:9&10 says, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the LORD JESUS, and shalt believe in thine heart that GOD hath raised HIM from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Now, what does this mean in country boy terms? It means that if you, through your own free will, pray that you are aware that you are a sinner in need of a savior. That you believe in your heart that GOD sent his SON to die for you on a cross, and that JESUS did just that and overcame death and hell before rising again, then you can be saved. Are you ready Brothers and Sisters? I thought so. Please repeat after me, "Father I am a sinner in need of a SAVIOR - YOUR SON. I believe in my heart that you sent JESUS to die for me. I believe HE died on that cross and descended into hell and overcame hell and death. I also believe JESUS rose again for me and for many and then ascended to the right hand of YOU, FATHER. Most importantly I receive this free gift of eternal life. In JESUS NAME I thank YOU FATHER. AMEN!!!"
     Praise GOD!!! Brother or Sister you are now eternally saved and ready to face not only life but death. Please read II Corinthians 5:17 and meditate on how you are now a new person in CHRIST JESUS. Also, we would like to hear from you. Just go to our business Facebook and give us the news so we can celebrate with the angels in heaven. Lastly, please get into the BIBLE and a BIBLE based church. If you want we will refer you. We at GOD WON MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL love you and will pray for you daily. Have a blessed future in JESUS NAME, AMEN!!!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Back To The Beginning

Are you tired, frustrated, disgusted, or even feeling broken? Has life left you in a place of doubt, confusion, depression, or maybe even elevated you to that place where you feel you just can't go on this way any longer? That's just the place where GOD can work with you the best. This means it's time to go back to the beginning - that  place where you don't have to have all the answers anymore. This is a point where someone else can take over for a while.
     It says in the WORD of GOD that, "In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with GOD and the WORD was GOD." (John 1:1) That's where I look when I just don't know where to go anymore. It's the only source of peace I have ever been able to count on in this crazy mixed up world. As a follower of JESUS CHRIST - you notice I didn't say church goer, or some other denominational title or description - I look to the only ONE WHO could ever bring relief from a life filled with uncertainty. Some of the most painful times in my life have turned into some of the greatest victories when it points me in a direction opposite of me.Yeah, that's right I said it, the opposite me and my thoughts, or plans, or whims, or whatever. This is the time that if I go back to the beginning, GOD can rise me up to a place where I am one on one with HIM.
     If you have already found that place of saving GRACE at some time in your life, but have lost touch with your center, as I have so many times in my walk, then this is the perfect time to get one on one with the WORD again. Go back to the BIBLE and start allowing HIM to chart the course once more. Give the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John a chance. See what other men and women experienced as they walked through life with JESUS. As you walk through those pages day by day with a loving savior HE will get you back on the course of life that HE chose for you before HE ever even formed you.(Jeremiah 1:5) If you have already made a choice for JESUS you are still right on course. You, like me sometimes, just need someone with the instruction manual in HIS hands to show you the way.
     If you have never made a decision to put your life in someones hands other than your own, or some other person more screwed up than you, then now is the time to consider a new way. JESUS is and always was the WAY, the TRUTH, and the answer to real LIFE. (John 14:6) Please show up next week and I will take you down a road definitely less traveled, but certainly one you never regret. It is called THE ROMANS ROAD. Trust me, you will never regret showing up for the journey I am about to take you on. See you next week for the ride of a lifetime - same time, same channel, same encouraging pen. Be blessed.

Apostle RC Coyle

Tuesday, February 12, 2013